Not much to report. We afforded a sleep-in (think the heat is causing that plus nearly two months of S-T-R-E-S-S related fun!). Our mission today, after speaking again with Lutfu & Cihan (Turkey shippers) was to itemize EVERYTHING that will be crated to Australia including all our personal effects in the side-car.
We needed to sort through our stuff so the whole afternoon was spent sifting through the myriad of papers, clothes, bike gear, etc that can be shipped home. In our mind it's just a few things but when it comes to itemizing everything the list was quite long...!!!
We met up with Lutfu & Cihan again late in the afternoon to progress the shipping process. We also found out the bike will be crated on Monday and taken to the port which mean our weekend will be free to perhaps ride further south and check out EPHESUS, which is one of the ancient Wonders of the World established 6,000 BC - something to look forward to.
Our evening walk is always interesting and we always choose a different direction to explore. This time we found an unusual twin-seat Lambretta covered in dust - it had been sitting about for a long time. There are many scooters about, perfect for the narrow streets that need negotiating. Road bikes are mainly Korean and Japanese. We've only seen one Harley, one police BMW and nothing Italian.