Today's mission was to visit TOPKAPI Palace, home of many Sultans during the Ottoman Empire.
We were told to allow at least two hours but in usual 'Dickson' style we exited nearly five hours later. This complex is so big that only parts of the Palace are opened to the public.
It was abandoned thousands of years ago in favour of a new Palace built further up the river.
We paid our entry fee of course and then discovered in order to see The Harem we must pay again. Hhmmm, it better be good. We weren't disappointed - it was better than the Palace proper. It gave a great insight into the privileged life of the Sulta

In order to maintain their gene line many wives were taken and many children born. Wonder how they ever kept track of who was who's brother, half-brother, quarter-brother twice removed, etc. etc.?
I especially loved the room where the Sultan would sit on his 'viewing' couch and watch his concubines dance and parade around in front of him in order for him to choose which one he would 'bed' that night.
The costumes and jewels were magnificently displayed, the gardens beautifully maintained (as you'd expect) and great views over-looking the river and the city. There are many individual buildings all linked by either a covered portico or a courtyard. Even some of the pathways were patterned from coloured pebbles - millions of them. They looked great.
Of course I managed to 'sit on the throne' at the Palace before leaving... (big smiley face).
After this is was back to our room for our late-afternoon 'rest' before hitting the pavement later in the evening. We had a 'date' with the mesmerizing Dervish dancer - wanted to watch at least one more time before leaving Istanbul. And then we just wandered the streets and bazaars, this time taking in all the back alleys and avoiding the main streets.
And this became most interesting when we stopped to chat with a fellow who was full of life and character. When I asked him his name he said he has two names - one real, one a nick-name. His real name is Nuri and then said his nick name is 'John Travolta'. Well, we nearly fell over laughing. 'John Travolta' then offered Paul 3 Turkish women, 30 camels and 300 acres for my hand. The jury is still out...!!!
Hmmm. If I were Paul, I wouldn't wast too much time deciding. 30 camels would be pretty good! :o)