What really happened....
We left Bandirma mid-morning as planned, except this time it REALLY happened! We were finally on the road in Turkey. Not as much fun as anticipated due to many miles of road works. With every car and truck passing us they almost stoned us to death...!!!
I did wonder about the unreadable 'DANGER' signs on the road but as we only approached 'what-ever it was' at snails pace I guess they never posed a great threat.
Arriving at Galibolu was very exciting for me because of my interest in history. The ferry crossing only took 35 minutes; we parked up and had a late lunch before having a bit of a look around the village. On the way in we spotted a small road around the coast and pin-pointed the only apparent e
Galibolu is a small town with its main role being a ferry point for transports traveling from Europe to Asia. For the locals it's the local fishing market that gives this town its character.
How lovely it all was. The bike was running well; we were enjoying riding alongside the water and watching the kids dive-bombing off high platforms. At long last things seemed to be going our way ..... until ..... that all too familiar cough, splutter and S-T-O-P.
When the battery was charged Paul was returned to the bike and we rode The HORS (the one with wheels) back to the Industrial Estate.
The generator was removed once again and tested at a VW workshop. It tested fine. It was difficult for Paul to get anywhere near HIS bike when there were a dozen blokes all pitching in with the all important knowledge to make it go...!!!
Eventually the bike was pushed a couple of shops further along where Mustafa seemed to know all about 6 volt systems. He adjusted the regulator and almost immediately the bike behaved as it should with the generator charging correctly.
Huseyir & Fethi arranged accommodation for us at Otel HAMZAKOY which was like a beach resort (oh goodie my favourite!) but it was a roof over our head and safe parking for the bike. We were told we were lucky to get anything because it is peak tourist season so we were grateful for their help. We didn't arrive till 10.30pm - we were worn out and tired and just hoping that the continuing problem
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