Arrangements were made to get picked up early afternoon and go to the DNEPR FACTORY. Something every aspiring motorcyclist would look forward to - surely.
We waited and waited and waited and waited and eventually got picked up by Sasha (a man) and driven to the Dnepr Shop at the Factory. We were too late to see the factory but learned the factory only makes a handf
There was a brand new 1970's Dnepr-11 on display and hundreds of parts and many engines. Paul was in Dnepr heaven!
Roman met us at the factory at 5.00pm and then we were taken to the bus station where we caught the '12-seater-sauna' to Cherkassy. This was a three hour trip in extreme heat.
We were suffering hunger and dehydration and with no opening windows on the bus we knew this situation wouldn't improve. Roman got us all water, everyone was perspiring profusely and wiping their foreheads. I refused to drink anything...what if there were no stops along the way....I wasn't about to add incontinence to the list as well....!!! Turned out to be a good decision!
We arrived in Cherkassy just on dark (10.00pm) and taken to our apartment. Paul was taken food shopping, I was told to stay, and we eventually fell into bed after a midnight meal!
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