Got a bit carried away with yesterday's blog - it's tomorrow we hope to see the DNEPR Factory!
We had a lazy morning, slept in, ate a leisurely breakfast of meat, meat and more meat (not a bowl of cereal in sight).
We then caught the METRO train to the city armed with our map ready to explore the sights. We didn't know which way to turn. Decided to head straight for St. Sofia Monastery via the central city square.
The square, the monastery, the courtyards, the gardens ... everything, it's all so beautiful. Paul found his first motorcycle shop in a narrow lane. Inside was a WLA on display and motorcycle accessories, no bikes (and NO Ural badges!).
We spent a lot of time at St. Sofia's soaking up the atmosphere and admiring the 11th Century fresco's. The whole complex was surrounded by a thick wall which blocked out all city noise.
From here we sauntered from place to place taking in more monasteries, gardens, river views and beer tents.
It seems many people enjoy a drink at any time of the day. Beer tents on nearly every block. After several hours of wandering, resting and observing we found ourselves back in the city square. It was now 6.00pm and there were many more people out and about. We spent a good hour just watching people. The women here are stunning and highly fashionable (I'm slotting right in!) but I do laugh knowing that they will probably end up big-bosomed, flat shoe-ed, unfashionable, eastern-European typecast.
We trained it back to the Hotel (packed in like sardines) and then explored a street market next to the Hotel - we hadn't noticed this at all in the past two days. Just shows how busy it all is! Really impressed (not) with the chickens, meats and fish on display in the hot sun. You want to buy...??? No thanks...!!!
Knackered again.
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