After the stress of yesterday (late nights and police arrests - almost) a lazy morning was in order.
Back to the police arrest: Paul was pulled over randomly and once it was discovered he didn't have the appropriate 'technical passport' with him (he took the rego and ownership papers) then they got 'angry'. They babbled something at Paul which he had no idea about. When Vadym returned he explained very simply...."make the wind". WHAT...??? "Make the wind". God damn, don't you Australian's understand anything...!!! 'Make the wind' turned out to be the Ukrainian breathalyser - you blow into the policeman's face...!!! This is when we found out that Ukraine has a zero alcohol tolerance when driving. Bloody hell...!!!
We also found out that if Paul didn't pull over the police have the right to shoot him...!!! Double bloody hell...!!! And to think we rode through three police blocks only days earlier ignorantly congratulating ourselves on the money we saved...!!! Lots of police corruption with part of the fine going into State coffers, the other, probably larger bit, going into the policeman's pocket.
Today's plan was to go to Oleg's at 6.00pm so we decided to catch the trolley-bus into the city and post a parcel home (even that took one hour) and try and blog-on but time got away. We were STARVING so had a snack and before we knew it, it was time to get our taxi to Olegs. No blogging today.
We got to Oleg's and was greeted with the news that 'all was fixed with the bike'. Amazing how one's mood can lift with those 6 simple words! We arrived to a purring motorcycle. Oleg did lots of pointing, Vadym translated and we nodded and grinned as it was explained that the points backing plate, points, condenser and the odd wire or two were changed.
Oleg also had his 1952 Dnepr outfit in the drive-way - the two together looked great. Oleg's machine guns were brought out and we were shown how they were fitted. Paul took the bike up the road for a short test ride and all seemed to be in order.
We weren't allowed to take the bike as it is Ukrainian tradition to celebrate a success. There goes our plan for a quick getaway in the morning! The only thing Paul remembers is Oleg saying....Paul, drink...!!! A large bottle of NEMIROFF Vodka came out and it soon became apparent that we weren't going home until it was finished. Only Paul and Oleg were drinking! Paul, drink...!!! A bit of Russian whisky was thrown in for good measure but after Paul nearly needed resuscitating it was back to the vodka. Paul, drink...!!!
Drinking the Ukrainian way comprised a shot of Vodka followed by half a glass of water and then some food. Guaranteed no hangover in the morning. Laura provided a great spread of food, what we thought was far too much, but then we weren't wise in the ways of Vodka drinking! Amazing how Oleg's English comprehension and speech improved dramatically after a bottle of Nemiroff...!!!
But wait....the show is not over until Oleg has performed a karaoke session by singing a Russian bike song to us at a volume louder than an AC/DC concert.
Another late night taxi ride home.
It was eventually going to happen, that you would find someone who knew what was going on, all part of the adventure.
ReplyDeleteI know Kerry is doing the writing, but more technical info would be nice from my point of view, Hi Kerry }-)
I assume that it wasn't timed correctly, hard to do on a boxer, but "Boris bashitin" managed to do it.
More please,
Glad the bike is fixed,mebbe you wont need to buy a horse great blog most entertaining cheers,Marts.